Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Analyzing Alternative Rock


I find it interesting how songs that are seemingly about similar topics and from the same genre can be conveyed in such different ways. I want to take a deeper look at two songs from the genre alternative rock. Both songs begin at the end of a relationship with someone whether it’s romantic, familial or friendship. It’s the end of a relationship, however the artists are taking the end down two different paths. 

The first song is called “You Not Me” by Mayday Parade with the first verse beginning with:

Behold the ghost of winter's past
Sunday mornings never last, they just float away
But something still remains
I felt its warmth, I heard its laugh
I saw the mark drawn on its back
Do I make it something to eat?
When all I want is for it to leave me alone

The writer is telling the story of a relationship that has run its course. There are memories of it being a warm and enjoyable time, however, that is no longer the case. A listener can tell from the lyrics that there is a lack of positive feelings towards the opposite person and instead a sense of apathy. The emotions of the song are exemplified by the gradual buildup of the verses with releases during the chorus. Throughout the song, the artist begins to specify their feelings about the situation. While Mayday Parade chose to be conspicuous in their lyrical choices, A Day to Remember chose a more literal path. The beginning of the song “Better Off This Way” takes a less poetic approach and instead blatantly states how they’re feeling about the situation.  

I wonder if you'll notice
If they lock me up and throw away the key
Gotta be open minded
You've got a lot to learn in the ways of me
You've always got to say something
I'm none of your concern
But you won't listen at all
You know I'd rather say nothing
And just be proud of myself
For tearing down these walls 

A listener can tell that the singer is processing feelings of anger, being slighted, and forgotten. They’re pondering whether or not the other person will notice their absence. The emotions in the song are also exemplified by the tone of the music itself. There is an intensity during the verses while the chorus experiences a release. According to Sellnow, music not only conveys messages, but it has emotional content that represents different feelings.
Both songs are congruent and align with the subject of comic lyrics. The singers are similar in that they are trying to survive a difficult change in their lives. Both of these songs are great examples of the

Illusion of Life Theory that lyrics and music work together to convey messages. In this instance, the audience is being given a script for how to handle the end of a relationship.


My question for the class is: What other scripts have you been given from music on how to handle the end of a relationship?

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