Friday, February 7, 2025

Feelings in Songs

Sellnow states that music represents feelings opposed to causing them. Having listened to a lot of music in my lifetime I can agree that music can represent feelings. Take for example the Band Blink 182. They are a punk rock band that was formed in San Diego, California. Having grown up in San Diego, I listened to a lot of their music growing up, and still do. They have a song called San Diego, in which they talk about longing to return to San Diego. For me, that not only represents their feelings, but also mine as having moved away from San Diego five years ago, I also do miss it quite a bit and I do long to return and live there again some day. 

Another example of this representation of feelings can be found in the Morgan Wallen song 98 Braves. For context, in the 1998 MLB playoffs, the Atlanta Braves were the heavy favorites to go to the World Series. However, in the second round of the playoffs, the San Diego Padres ended up beating the Braves and they went on to the World Series. In the song, which is mostly a love song, he talks about how "no way them boys wouldn't win" and "But as fate would have it that Atlanta magic got put out". To him and to Braves fans who experienced those games, that would represent their feelings as they would be heartbroken and also frustrated. 

 I would like to pose this question. Is there any song that represents your feelings towards something?

1 comment:

  1. Hi John! I really liked your blog post this week. I also love music and listening to Blink-182, and Morgan Wallen as well. I really liked your analysis of how people can relate their own feelings to certain songs. I think that a lot of music does this for people, and as well as specific genres can bring out different emotions in people. To answer your question, I really resonate with the song Happy Does, by Kenny Chesney. It is a song all about how you should look at the world with a half full cup instead of the other way around, so I really like the message behind it as well.
