My favorite TV show of all time is Phineas and Ferb. I could go on and on about how it finds incredible within the patterns that it establishes, but I want to focus on one specific pattern for this post. In every single episode of Phineas and Ferb, there is a new original song. No other cartoon, or even Tv show has ever even attempted something like this. Songs that are so specific to each episode, but are each so catchy and fun that they are extremely memorable. Songs like "Running From Love in a Bear Suit", "Squirrels in My Pants", "Aglet", "Ain't got Rhythm", "Ducky Mo-Mo is My Friend", "Come Home Perry, Come Home" and many many more. In the days before I had a Spotify I had a Phineas and Ferb Pandora station that I listened to for hundreds of hours. There is even an entire musical episode where they recreate the iconic rollercoaster but add in musical numbers along the way. Even though the whole show runs primarily off of consistent patterns, the musical elements are something that the creators use to make every episode feel different and new.
Something that I find really fascinating about this musical phenomenon, is that while many of the songs are influenced by popular music genres and even seem like parodies, each is unique. There is a common belief that nothing is new and that every creative thing just steals from works that already exist. I think that there is truth in this, but I also believe that old things can be given a new life and made into something unique. I think that the music in this cartoon showcases that. Each song is unique and hilarious, but also draws inspiration from other music. What are your thought on old songs being used as inspiration for new ones? Are they just a rip-off, or can they still have value?
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