Friday, February 7, 2025

Sellnow's Music Perspective to Cultural Identity

 According to Deanna Sellnow, discursive symbols serve as identifiers of communication. they are units with fixed associations such as words with objects. Non-discursive symbols are beyond words to object associations that humans use to comprehend the tangible human experience. Beyond the tongue to object, rhetoric exists in non discursive manners such as in the nuances of speaking, the tone of voice and body language, to visual art and musical sounds. Musical rhetoric focuses on segments of music that create a persuasive communicated messages. Some examples include:

Intensity and Release Patterns:

In 4:20 - 4:40 the music changes rhythm and sonic ambience. For some reason the first part of the song seems like Frank Ocean is talking out to the universe or deep in the psychedelic suconscious trip. The second part paints a physical ambience because it is more grounded on the bass. 

Virtual Time:

In 2:20 - 2:50 the heart to internal dance experience focuses on two different paces of experiencing the sound.  The first part is more chamber like and timeless where the buildup builds to the ground and after the drop the feet ground to the Earth. 

Virtual Experience:

This whole game ambience sound is very immersive. I like how they expand the virtual experience to physical ones like hearing this type of immersive sound in theme parks. 

Please link me examples of incongruent and congruent musical pieces and what they display to the world and how it defines current past and future consumer trends. 

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