Thursday, February 1, 2024

Am I a feminist?



I disagree with the negative connotation frequently given to the word “feminist.”

Merriam Webster defines “feminism” as “belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.” Feminism Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

I can’t think of any decent, thoughtful person who isn’t a feminist, although many such people would reject the label given its association with negative stereotypes.

In the nineties, I remember there being an idea that circulated that Madonna was the ultimate feminist. At the time I kind of scoffed at the idea, but now I don’t think it’s completely wrong. As discussed by the author in this article, Madonna owns her sexuality without shame, and she appreciates masculinity as well: Opinion | Madonna -- Finally, a Real Feminist - The New York Times (

The way forward is to promote feminism from the variety of approaches discussed by Sellnow. For example, we can employ a Marxist feminist approach in enacting laws and policies to ensure equal pay for equal work. We can also take a cultural feminist approach and stop the social and economic devaluation of traditionally female occupations. We can also take a liberal feminist approach in encouraging women's leadership in non-traditional areas such as in government and religion.

How else can we move feminism forward for the betterment of society?


  1. Valerie, I absolutely agree with your point on feminism having a negative connotation. Conversations of "it's bad to be a feminist" came up often when I was younger, and it wasn't until a few years ago that I truly understood what it meant, and realized I really was a feminist. We can move feminism forward in society by taking back the negative connotation. I believe more people would realize they are feminists if they understood what it actually was!

  2. I absolutely agree with you that feminism is considered an ugly word. I have two boys in their early 20s who enjoy to get me riled up with their anti-feminist comments. I laugh at them because I know they will become feminists from the first time they hold their daughters. I agree with Megan's comment, that more people would understand they too are feminists if they understood what it means to be one. But, it will take more than that. After this weeks class videos, I have been wondering how we get women to stop promoting masculine hegemony in the roles they take that depict needless violence against women.
