Saturday, February 3, 2024

Taylor Swift, Feminism, and Patriarchy

Perhaps Taylor Swift is an obvious choice for a blog post about feminist culture, but the fact is that her message is still not getting across to many consumers of pop culture. However, she is fighting the fight and her fans are definitely here for it. 

For example, her song The Man is an outright example of  the feminist perspective wherein she points out through her lyrics and music video just how much the dominant ideology puts the privileges of men above women. Swift works to show how society responds to the same characteristics and behaviors displayed by women versus how men are viewed by those same actions. 

Her lyrics include illustrations of how dating a lot is seen different for men than women where she says, "They'd say I played the field before I found someone to commit to; and that would be okay; for me to do; Every conquest I had made would make me more of a boss to you" (Swift & Little, 2019). This is meant to show the disparity between men and women in dating where a man would be celebrated for his many intimate partners ("conquests"), but a woman is seen as a sl*t, a tease, immoral, etc. even if she has fewer partners than her male counterparts.

Other patriarchal ideologies she points out allude to disparities of how male leaders are viewed when women would be seen as a b*tch,  how successful men are deserving of their positions because of hard work, but successful females are seen as less deserving (did she sleep to the top?), and how public frustration from men is accepted but women are viewed as complaining, etc. (Swift & Little, 2019). Another scene pokes at an incident with tennis player Serena Williams and how she was viewed negatively, while a man would just be called "passionate." The imagery in the videos portrays this as well as the objectification of women as a female is seen lying down in a sexy outfit with dollar bills tucked around her. 

The overarching message is that if she was doing the same things as she is now--writing songs reflective of her life, having industry success, dating other famous individuals, etc.--, but if instead of being female she were male, the reaction and perceptions of her success and life would be much different. Swift is not only viewed critically in her professional life, but also in her personal life. 

With her recent relationship with Chiefs' football player, Travis Kelce, the complaints of her being seen at his games and the camera views of her have upset football fans. Interestingly, it is not Swift asking for the attention, but the football industry using her for gain - as is seen in the increased brand value - now up $330 million, as well as an increase in female viewership of the NFL by 9% (Mendoza, 2024). Yet, football fans and others are upset by the attention Swift is receiving. Fans want to blame Swift for any misstep of the Chiefs. Some comments I have seen on social media even lean toward threats against Swift if she "distracts" Kelce from playing well on the field. Conversely, Kelce being at Swift's concert during her Eras Tour is viewed as him being a supportive boyfriend, not as a distraction. Swift fans are not angry that he is at her concert receiving some attention from media either. 

There is so much more to talk about with Taylor Swift and her feminist fight and patriarchy, but one last example is from 2013 when a radio disc jockey, David Mueller, groped her and Swift subsequently made the decision to sue the offender for $1 in damages in court (Rosenblatt, 2017). "In the suit, Swift said she not only wants  to hold Mueller accountable, but also hopes to 'serv[e] as an example to other women who may resist publicly reliving similar outrageous and humiliating acts'" (Rosenblatt, 2017, para. 23). Clearly, this lawsuit was not about money, but making a point that it is not okay to treat women as objects, despite how media portrays women being treated. 

Do you think that if more pop culture icons use their platforms for feminism, that it could further influence others--even the most resistant--to become more feminist as well? Could such movements also help the dominant group (white, straight males) to be less concerned that they are losing power and simply see that everyone can and should have the same opportunities and treatment? 

Mendoza, C. (2024, January 31). “Swiftonomics”: How the NFL, Kansas City have cashed in on Kelce-Swift. LEX 18 News - Lexington, KY (WLEX).

Rosenblatt, K. (2017, August 8). Why did Taylor Swift Sue over sexual assault case? experts say it may be for other women.

Swift, T., & Little, J. (2019). The man [Song]. On Lover. Emi Blackwood Music Inc; Taylor Swift Music; Songs of Universal Inc.

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