Thursday, February 8, 2024

P!nk and the Emotions of Music

Have you ever felt like you just don’t have the right words to express how you feel? Music comes to the rescue in a way that captures the heart, mind, and soul. I love the Illusion of Life Theory, as music captures and represents human emotions and experiences. I have connected with different songs throughout periods in my life where I truly could not have expressed myself without the song. Music says things in a form that cannot be conveyed any other way.

Something I found interesting that was brought up in the video was the mention that music does not cause feelings but represents them. The first song that came to mind was Dear Mr. President by P!nk. In this song P!nk uses the lyrics to display a letter to the President of the United States expressing her emotion to the decisions being made in Washington. She is frustrated and asks questions heavy on her heart such as “How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?” Music allows calls to action and changes to occur. In this song P!nk wasn’t just expressing her frustration but she was also demanding answers and having her listeners think about the state of events that had taken place.

Connecting with music is a gift. Music transcends the barriers we often have within language and connects all types of people. I lived in Europe for 18 months right after high school. Living in a foreign country and trying to learn a new language was so hard at first. One day I was sitting at the bus station and a country song came on the speakers. It was a song I had grown up listening to so I loved having a piece of home there. As I looked around I noticed something interesting. These people who could not speak a sentence in English were jamming to this American Country song. As I would get to know people they were thrilled to learn I grew up on a farm and had a “cowboy” family. They used the songs of Johnny Cash, Toby Keith, George Strait, Brad Paisley and so many more to live their “virtual” cowboy experience for those 3 minutes. 

When was a time you experienced a virtual experience that you otherwise wouldn’t have? How has the power of music changed you?

1 comment:

  1. This theory resonated with me as well! Music does touch me deeply. A song that I really relate to is Sinead O'Connor's "Three Babies". I think of my once little babies and completely understand her words "The face on you, The smell of you, Will always be with me." Now that these babies of mine are in their twenties and on their own, those words mean so much more to me because I will always remember their face and smell. Many songs despite their lyrics and or lack of, can evoke feelings just by the nature of the musical elements. Music is a powerful force!
