Friday, January 24, 2025

I Want The Aura

I stumbled upon the artwork of Vanessa Horabuena (Vanessa) completely by accident and unintentionally. I was googling the artwork of a friend who is just starting out with her art, and in that process, Vanessa Horabuena’s name and website came up. Out of sheer curiosity, I clicked on her website. I was flabbergasted at this supernatural, amazing talent and gift she displayed.


When you learn of Vanessa Horabuena’s young life and subsequent journey, you realize that this talent for painting in the spirit developed through many trials to include sexual abuse, suicide attempts, spiritual enlightenment and growth, and literally a hungry heart for God reaching past the limitations of this world as we know it. I have had the privilege of seeing her paint in the spirit, and it truly is incredible. Thus, Vanessa Horabuena is known as a Christian worship artist. Have you seen Vanessa's painting in action?


I am a person of faith, unashamed, and deeply spiritual. I am not, however, religious. There is, in my interpretation and understanding, a distinct difference. I would personally find great comfort, enlightenment, and spiritual renewal to have Vanessa’s original art displayed in my home.


So it is….I began to eagerly scan through the gallery of paintings created by Vanessa, and I see so many that I would love to own. But one…one, hit home for me.


Mechanical reproductions of Vanessa’s work are available and are indeed, very affordable. Admittedly, I was a little put off by the fact that there are reproductions or prints of the original paintings available at a fraction of the cost. That stated, in agreement with the culture theorist Walter Brennan, “even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element:  its presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place where it happens to be.” As Brennan points out, the “aura” withers in the age of mechanical reproduction. What we lose in mechanical reproductions is the aura, the aura under which the original painting came into existence. I want the aura of the painting I choose to purchase. I want the aura in my home, to feel and internalize. I want to look at the painting and have it speak to my heart.  I don’t believe that replicas or mechanical reproductions will deliver this almost inexplicable, intangible thing that prints do not deliver. Have you purchased original art and did the aura speak to you?


So, we live in this cult world that cares about mass production. I guess if you sell 700 of the prints ($10 each) of the original I want to own, financially speaking you come out the same as if I purchased the original, but the unassuming purchasers miss out on the all-important aura.

In conclusion, my husband and I will save our dollars to purchase an original piece of Vanessa Horabuena art that will have impact, influential meaning, and true aura.

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